Jesus Washed His Disciples' Feet

Holy Thursday
Scripture: John 13

Can you imagine how you would feel to have jesus, our lord, kneel before you, and wash your feet?
  • how humbling
  • how loving
  • how powerful
This is how Jesus wants us to serve one another, just as he has served us.

When we remember Jesus' death at passover time, we recall His broken body for each one of us and the spilled blood for each of us so that God through the person of Jesus of Nazareth delivered us, the people of God, from the slavery of sin and spiritual death.

We replace the passover celebration, seeing Jesus embodied as the lamb of God sacrificed for our sins, offering us an abundant life here on earth, and eternal life in the heavenly kingdom.

It is through Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, we have been offered the cup of salvation.